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Metaphorical transfer of meaning in polysemants (using the example of polysemantic composites as part of verb word-formation nests of the Russian language)

N.A. Krupnova
80,00 ₽

UDC 811.161.1`3

DOI  10.20339/PhS.6-23.009


Krupnova Nataliya A.,

Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor,

Senior Lecturer of the Foreign Languages and Cultures Department

Arzamas Branch of Nizhny Novgorod Research

University named after N.I. Lobachevsky



The multivalued composites of the Russian language are described from an epidigmatic point of view. The semantic structure of four-, three- and two-digit composites in the verb nests of the Russian language is analyzed. During the review of the claimed units, it was found out that metaphor as a type of transfer of meaning occupies a dominant position among other types of transfer. By metaphorical transfer, 58% of secondary, nominative values in the units under consideration are formed. The general semantic feature, as the study showed, is both positive and negative in nature. It is also either external or internal in individual units.

Keywords: word-forming nests, composites, metaphor, semantic feature, lexico-semantic variants.



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