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Review of the monograph: Nagurnaya S.V., Rodionova A.P., Chikina N.V. “Features of preservation of the cultural and linguistic heritage of Zaonezhye: research and materials”

T.V. Pashkova

Nagurnaya, S.V. Feature of preservation of cultural and linguistic heritage of Zaonezhye: research and materials / S.V. Nagurnaya, A.P. Rodionova, N.V. Chikina. — Petrozavodsk : Publishing house of Karelian Research Center of RAS, 2022. — 177, [3] p.

ISBN 978-5-9274-0935-8



UDC 00+81`28

DOI 10.20339/PhS.4-23.159     


Pashkova Tatjana V.,

Doctor of History, Associate Professor,

Head of the Baltic-Finnish Philology Department

Petrozavodsk State University



At present, many dialects are disappearing from active use. This happens, first of all, under the influence of the literary norm of the language. However, the introduction of new data into scientific circulation and the identification of samples of Trans-Onega region’s dialect speech from previously published scientific research contribute to the preservation, revitalization and popularization of the language and culture of one of the indigenous peoples of the Republic of Karelia. The monograph is devoted to the cultural and linguistic heritage of Trans-Onega region of Karelia. The paper presents and analyzes various materials on the unique Trans-Onega region’s dialect and investigates the literary process associated with it. Research and surviving archival materials demonstrate the richness of spiritual culture, the diversity of folklore traditions that existed and still exist, phonetic and morphological features of the Trans-Onega region’s speech. Literary texts in the Trans-Onega region’s dialect are replete with obsolete words and allow you to enjoy a bright original language. The study is intended for researchers, teachers, students, as well as all those interested in this problem.

Keywords: Trans-Onega region, Trans-Onega region’s dialect, linguistic heritage, cultural heritage, literary process, literary work of V.A. Agapitov.



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