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Optimization and deconstruction of the poetic: Audio performance by Sergey Samoylenko

O.S. Gorelov
80,00 ₽

UDC 821.161.1.09-1


Gorelov Oleg S.,

Doctor of Philology,

Associate Professor of the Russian Philology Department

Ivanovo State University



The article is devoted to the problem of adaptation of poetry to media environments unusual for it. For the first time the substantiation and theoretical analysis of the concepts of optimization and deconstruction is presented as a dialectical pair, which makes it possible to evaluate the intermedial phenomena of recontextualization and resemantization. One of the accompanying tasks of the article is to identify the artistic possibilities of optimization, to clarify its significance for cross-modal interactions. The material is an audio performance by Sergey Samoylenko “Poetry on the Market: (Non)Market Values”. As a result, the component composition and design of the project, tasks and results, the use of adaptive technologies (deconstruction, optimization, agreement) were analyzed. It was shown that performance consists of components that take into account possible future optimization, includes an exploratory, critical setting, and therefore deconstructive logic manifests itself, for example, in the choice of material and space. However, the adaptive processes of the performance itself came into conflict with the deconstruction-optimization design of the idea, which showed the need to take into account the natural optimization coming from the recipients themselves, since it is precisely this that is a transgressive element that creates the artistic potential of creative optimization.

Keywords: poetic audio performance, urban poetic-audio actionism, media, public space, adaptation.



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