UDC 821(574)
Ovcherenko Ulyana,
Teacher of Additional Education of the Russian Language and
Intercultural Communication Department
Institute of the Russian language
Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia
e-mail: ovcherenko1993@gmail.com
This article is devoted to the analysis of the reflection of the actual problem of interaction between the national and the global in R. Seisenbaev’s novel “Night Voices”. The article provides a brief digression into the essence of the problem: the views of researchers regarding the impact of globalization on cultural and ethnic identity, their forecasts and expectations regarding the way these two directions of world development interact. The relationship between the national and the sacred in the field of understanding the core of the nation, which is important for reflecting the author’s picture of the world, is revealed — the sacred acts as an immanent feature of the nation and allows you to more fully analyze the development paths of a particular ethnic group. A detailed analysis of the Kazakh sacred and its reflection in the novel of the Kazakh writer has been made. It was concluded that R. Seisenbaev in his work expresses concern about the prospect of absorption of the national by the global. The author, just like scientists, sees in the sacred core not only the national consciousness, but also the personal self-consciousness of everyone belonging to the nation, and is distrustful of the possibility of dissolving the ethnic group in globalization without the risk of losing self-identity by each individual.
Keywords: Kazakh literature, national, global, sacred, R. Seisenbaev, ethnos.
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