UDC 821.222.1-1
Yahyapour Marzieh (Corresponding author),
Professor of the Russian Language and Literature Department
University of Tehran (Tehran, Iran)
ORCID: 0000-0001-8195-6909
e-mail: myahya@ut.ac.ir
Karimi-Motahhar Janolah,
Professor of the Russian Language and Literature Department
University of Tehran (Tehran, Iran),
Chairman IARLL
ORCID: 0000-0002-6072-5797
e-mail: jkarimi@ut.ac.ir
Farmani Fahrahnaz,
Master of the Russian Language and Literature Department
University of Tehran (Tehran, Iran)
e-mail: melikasoso4@gmail.com
Maltseva Tatiana V.,
Doctor of Philology, Professor,
Head of the Literature and Russian Language Department
Pushkin Leningrad State University
ORCID: 0000-0002-8432-4314
e-mail: kaflit@yandex.ru
The article deals with forms of representation of love theme in lyrics by F. Farrokhzad. It considers the fact that interpretation of love in Farrokhzad’s lyrics differs from traditional perception of love in oriental poetry. Hence the authors prove that F. Farrokhzad has broken the traditional circle of associations in oriental love lyrics and has rethought it by adding new “bodily” signs of love. Love in Farrokhzad’s lyrics is shown through the prism of everyday, natural and existential patterns. Love as an event serves as a core for the poetess’ lyrics and displaces the generic features of the lyrics itself. Love lyrics by F. Farrokhzad demonstrates the features of the narrative text combining lyrical and epic pictures of the world in poem’s structure, so narrativeness is one of the key parameters of F. Farrokhzad’s poetics. The authors conclude that poetess tends to concentration of everyday details and to eventful measure of the reality.
Keywords: Persian poetry, F. Farrokhzad, love feeling, love theme, lyrics.
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