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Creativity of Vladimir Narbut in the context of poetic trends of the first half of the 20 century

R. R. Kozhukharov
80,00 ₽

UDC 82.161.1-1                      


Kozhukharov Roman R.,

Candidate of Philology, Senior Lecturer of the

Modern Russian Literature Department

Gorky Literary Institute



The article presents an understanding of the originality of the poetry of Vladimir Narbut in relation to the ideological and aesthetic searches of acmeists, futurists, expressionists, oberiuts. The close relationship between the style of Narbut and the poetics of futurism is recorded in a number of literary sources, in particular, in the publications of N. Aseev, M. Zenkevich, V. Shklovsky, L. Chertkov, R. Timenchik, S. Fedyakin. The correlation of Narbut’s artistic searches and the poetic vanguard visibly manifested itself after the release in 1912 of the collection of poems “Hallelujah” and the scandalous hype that accompanied it. The rethinking of symbolist canons is carried out by the poet within the framework of the aesthetics of acmeism and “natural realism”, anticipating the “revolution of the spirit” proclaimed by the futurists and the social, October revolution of 1917. Among the authors who influenced the formation of the poetics of Narbut, it is possible to name the poets of German expressionism, first of all, G. Benn. The formal search for Narbut in the 1930s turns out to be consonant with the innovative line of Mayakovsky. Coming closer to the literature of the absurd, the artistic world of Narbut, in turn, influences the ideological and aesthetic searches of the oberiuts, N. Zabolotsky, representatives of “unofficial poetry”, in particular, members of the “L. Chertkov group”.

Keywords: V. Narbut, A. Akhmatova, O. Mandelstam, M. Zenkevich, N. Aseev, V. Khlebnikov, V. Mayakovsky, L. Chertkov, R. Timenchik, V. Weber, poetry, acmeism, futurism, expressionism, captain Lebyadkin, absurd literature.



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