UDC 81`42
Martianova Irina A.,
Doctor of Philology, Professor,
Professor of the Russian Language Department
Herzen Russian State Pedagogical University
e-mail: irine.pismo@gmail.com
The appeal to the syntactic interpretation of modern prose discourse is motivated by the inadequacy of a grammatical approach to new linguistic phenomena, an obvious gap between cultural studies, literary studies and linguistic studies. The article examines the functioning of syntactic units in Russian prose of the late XX — early XXI centuries, punctuation and graphic arrangement of statements and text. Special attention is paid to the multicomponent complex utterance as an indicator of modern prose writer’s style. Syntactic processes are analyzed in language, speech and textual aspects, which allows interpreting the peculiarities of author’s styles. In the language aspect, changes in the field of simple and complex sentences are characterized, some contradictions in their qualifications are resolved. In the speech aspect, the author considers the influence of the spoken element and visualization tendencies on the literary norm, in particular, the transformation of a structure with direct speech, the development of interaction between monologue and dialogical speech. In the textual aspect, the role of modern Russian prose in the formation of new syntactic phenomena is revealed. The material of the article is the works of E. Vodolazkin, V. Pelevin, L. Petrushevskaya, D. Rubina, T. Tolstaya, V. Makanin, V. Tuchkov, A. Matveeva and other authors.
Keywords: syntax, text, style, modern Russian prose, punctuation and graphic arrangement.
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