UDC 82:001.8
Kibalnik Sergey A.,
Doctor of Philology, Leading Researcher
Institute of Russian Literature (Pushkin House) of the
Russian Academy of Sciences,
Saint Petersburg State University
e-mail: kibalnik007@mail.ru
Gyöngyösi Mária,
Doctor of Philology, Associate Professor
of the Russian Language and Literature Department
Eötvös Loránd University (Budapest, Hungary)
e-mail: gyongyosi.maria@btk.elte.hu
In February 2022, the International Russian-Hungarian Research seminar “Cryptopoetics of New Russian Literature” was held online at the Institute of Russian Literature (Pushkin House) of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The eight reports of the seminar touched upon such issues as the essence and boundaries of cryptopoetics as a discipline, its scientific apparatus (problems of terminology), methods for creating and deciphering cryptographic texts, sources of cryptography and their relationship with literary text, as well as addressing and verification of cryptography. Theoretical approaches to cryptopoetics were illustrated with examples from different periods in the history of modern Russian literature and different types of literature. During the round table that followed, more detailed presentations on the same topic followed.
Keywords: cryptopoetics, modern Russian literature, сryptography, subtext, “Aesopian language”, boundaries, work of literature.