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French language policy in the XXI century

M.N. Vetchinova

UDC 811.133.1:32        


Vetchinova Marina N.,

Doctor of Pedagogy, Associate Professor,

Professor of the Foreign Languages and

Professional Communication Department

Kursk State University



The article analyzes the language policy of the French state and the activities of public institutions to support the French language. It is noted that despite the fact of a fairly wide spread of the French language on the planet, there is currently a tendency to weaken it as a language of international communication, so France is trying in every possible way to strengthen the position of the French language by developing and implementing an active language policy aimed at strengthening the position of the French language as one of the largest world languages in the world. The article analyzes the activities of such organizations as the General Delegation of the French Language and Languages of France, the Supreme Council for the French Language, the French Alliance, the University Agency of Francophonie, the International Organization of French-speaking Countries, whose main goal is to preserve the role of French as a language of international communication, as well as to ensure its wide study not only in France, but also in other countries. The role of the media in the implementation of language policy is shown. It is suggested that the numerous efforts of the French state to implement a targeted language policy will contribute to the fact that the French language will strengthen its status as the language of international communication and become one of the main languages of the world and an asset of globalization.

Keywords: language policy, French, Francophonie.



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