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Iermachkova Olga. The Realities of Russia. Part 1. Brno: Tribun, 2021. 109 p. ISBN 978-80-263-1642-8 |
UDC 81.161.1(075)
Cintula Igor,
PhD student of the Russian Studies Department
University of St. Cyril and Methodius (Trnava, Slovakia)
e-mail: igor.rudolfovic.c@gmail.com
The review presents a description of the new textbook by O. Iermachkova “Realities of Russia. Part I” (Brno: Tribune, 2021), which is intended for Slovak students of Russian studies in order to acquaint them with the basic realities of Russia and expand their knowledge of modern Russian society. The author emphasizes the features of the textbook in question in the context of teaching Russian as a foreign language in the Slovak educational environment.
Keywords: realities of Russia, textbook, teaching the Russian language, Russian as a foreign language, Slovakia.
Barkovskaia N.V., Grominova A. Obraz rodnoi zemli v sovremennoi poezii Slovakii i Urala // Filologicheskii klass. 2016. No. 4 (46). S. 27–35.