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Sociolinguistic portrait of pupils institutes of noble maidens in Russia in the 19th century (based on memoir literature)

O.A. Anichshenko, Zharkynbekova Sholpan K.
80,00 ₽

UDC 81`42 


Anichshenko Olga A.,

Doctor of Philology, Associate Professor,

Professor of the Russian Philology and Library Science Department

Ualikhanov Kokshetau University, Kazakhstan


Zharkynbekova Sholpan K.,

Doctor of Philology, Associate Professor,

Professor of the Theoretical and Applied Linguistics Department

Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Kazakhstan



The article is devoted to the history of the formation of the Russian youth social dialect. Despite a large number of research on youth slang speech, there are issues related to the history, the nature of the youth social dialect, its functions, sociolinguistic portraits of its bearers remain unsolved. Among the representatives of the existing social types of the XIX century — pupils of closed educational institutions, active carriers and creators of schoolish language (seminarians, cadets, gymnasium students, students, schoolgirls, lyceum students). The author of the article has given a sociolinguistic portrait of the pupils of the institutes of noble maidens, the sociocultural conditions for the formation of institutional jargon are shown and characteristic features are described: emotionality, naivete, the interweaving of enthusiastic vocabulary with disapproval, the spread of diminutive forms, the influence of the French language, a wealth of word-formation opportunities. The closed nature of the institutions, the atmosphere reigning in them, the moral spirit, the forms of leisure — all this left an imprint on the peculiarities of the speech communication of the pupils, the composition of the existing vocabulary. The results of the study are illustrated by rich linguistic material, among sources of which an important place is occupied by rare memoir sources, recollections of pupils of the institutes of noble maidens. Artistic memoirs fix popular words and expressions from the past in certain schools, and also provide objectivity and scientific weight of conclusions about the composition and functioning of jargons of various student corporations of pre-revolutionary Russia. The language of the pupils of the Institute of Noble Maidens gives an idea of their subculture, reveals the secrets of word-creation of the female community.

Keywords: the language of 19th century, memoirs, pupils of the institutes of noble maidens, the sociolinguistic portrait.



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