UDC 81`37
Gerasimchuk Maria S.,
PhD student of the Modern Russian Language Department
Moscow State Regional University
ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7201-110X
e-mail: gerasim4uk.red@ya.ru
The article describes the phraseological unit of money that is not enough, and it operates on the political Internet, electronic media and social networks. She has every reason to succeed in this matter. Based on contrast, due to the semantics of the union, the expression repeats the logic of the object of perception of the words of Dmitry Medvedev, the subject of phrase-making. Despite the fact that everyone knows the wide context and the situation in which the expression is pronounced, the phrase is attributed to the former prime minister and is sometimes quoted in quotation marks. The statistical analysis over the years, given in the article, shows that the winged expression is increasingly firmly entering our language. The grammatical form of phraseological sentence is presented as a source of semantic transformations. In the basis of the change in the meaning of phraseological units, according to the author, there is a change in speech acts laid down in the form of a wish. The article presents the prospects of studying options, transformations and a syntactic model of the phraseological unit and idiol of D. Medvedev as a political figure.
Keywords: phraseology, political aphorism, winged expression, memorable phrase, agonal function, context truncation, syntactic model, speech act.
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