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Onomasiological models typology of Russian adjective composites

L.V. Sosnina
80,00 ₽

UDC 811.161.1 + 81'37      


Sosnina Lyudmila V.,

Doctor of Philology,

Associate Professor, Professor

of the English Language Department

Donetsk National Technical University



The subject matter of this article relates to the complex description of adjectives-composites of the Russian language within the onomasiological class “person’s social feature”. There have been analysed organization features of composites formation and ways of onomasiological structure definition as to composite adjectives within the onomasiological class. All adjective-composites of modern Russian are considered as univerbalisation composites, derivation composites and  units of quasi-composition. Univerbalisation composites demonstrate a complete semantic identity with a producing word-combination. Derivation composites have shown the relations of external motivation between a basic word-combination and a new composite. Units of quasi-composition are formed on the basis of  structural models of univerbalisation and derivation.

The analysis of these linguistic units is carried out according to their belonging to a certain onomasiological model consisting of an onomasiological basis and an onomasiological feature that allows to distinguish 17 models of adjective composites. The author comes to the conclusion that the onomasiological class should be understood as a set of nominathems, in which the feature description is realized in one corresponding grammatical class of units (adjectives) with the help of the same structural method, mostly with the help of all kinds of composites. This research has developed the modern nomination theory and provides a basis for complex description of language units.

Keywords: composite, onomasiological approach, model, basis, feature, nomination, univerbalization, derivation, quasi-composite.



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