Zeinab Sadeghi S.,
Candidate of Philology, Senior Lecturer of
the Russian Language Department
Alzahra University, Tehran, Iran
The article is devoted to the study of the symbolic meaning of the image of the ring in the play by N.S. Gumilyov “Child of Allah”. The cultural semantics of “Solomon’s ring”, its rootedness in the traditions of the East, are traced. It is concluded that the ring in the play serves as a connecting link between the divine name and poetic inspiration. The article first pointed to a number of uses of the ring in Ancient Iran. Such a diverse semiotics of the ring found its refraction in the play N.S. Gumilyov “The Child of Allah”.
In this play, the ring plays a key role. The ring defines the world poles of good and evil. Performed by Oriental motifs, Gumilyov’s play at the same time does not repeat or develop any of the semantic definitions of the ring mentioned in the article. In the article we turn to the mysterious meaning of the ring in this work. Thus, the ring in the play “the Child of Allah” has an Association with the magic rings of Eastern fairy tales.
Keywords: East, Gumilyov, drama, ring, poet, symbol.
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