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Multi-vector format of the application (genre-representative features)

R.A. Serebryany
80,00 ₽       


Serebryany Roman A.,

Graduate student, Department of Mass Communications, Faculty of Philology

Peoples' Friendship University of Russia



The article discusses the implementation of the “statement” genre in the context of the theory and practice of media management in connection with the growing trends in media democracy. Referring to current processes in the professional journalistic environment, to the objective strengthening of the role of the media in the formation and functioning of the media information space, the author considers the possibilities of the genre as an effective tool for building corporate solidarity of journalists. An analysis of the statements of the Union of Journalists of Russia showed that the style of the genre is based on a combination of genre characteristics of a neutral official-business style and journalistic speech, modally rich and expressive, which expands the palette of influence and strengthens its effectiveness, and also allows developing a common position of the journalistic community on important issues professional activity. At the same time, the author emphasizes the possibilities of this genre in media management, since the site of the Union of Journalists of Russia is the main Internet resource that coordinates and directs the interests of journalists. According to the author, while preserving the key properties of an official business speech style, the statement of the Union of Journalists of Russia becomes a hybrid genre of journalistic orientation.

Keywords: statement, official business style, journalistic style, journalism, genre, Russian language, Union of Russian Journalists.



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