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Features of the Vietnamese language in the network media space

Nguyen Lan Hyong
80,00 ₽


Nguyen Lan Hyong (Vietnam),

Graduate student, Department of Mass Communications,

Faculty of Philology

Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia



The author analyzes the prerequisites that determine the national specifics of the emerging features of the functioning of the Vietnamese language on the Internet, and also traces the relationship between the historical development of Vietnamese society and the development of the language, and on the basis of the results obtained, identify the causes of changes in the speech use of the Vietnamese language on the Internet. The article discusses the features of the transformations that occur in the official traditional Vietnamese language under the influence of information technology in the Internet space, in particular when it is used in social networks. The article describes the changes in the Vietnamese language that are sensitively reflecting modern changes in Vietnamese society, it is emphasized that the “network language” in Vietnam, which is being formed on social networks, is the language of youth, the creativity and convenience of which makes the linguistic personality more interesting and original. From the point of view of the application of the characteristic elements of this language, the author of the article considers it possible and appropriate to use them when communicating in social networks, as well as in certain formats of communication with the audience, for example, when creating contextual advertising, but in official documents and communication, in particular in language and style. The media must maintain the standards of a generally accepted language.

Keywords: Internet, communication, Vietnam, social networks, network language, Vietnamese language.




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