Zhiletezhev Hazhismel Ch.,
Candidate of Philology, Senior Researcher
of the Kabardino-Circassian language Department
Kabardino-Balkarian Institute of Humanitarian Studies
This article analyzes the social and political vocabulary of B.L. Khuranov’s “Russian-Kabardian dictionary”. This dictionary is the first dictionary of the Kabardino-Circassian language of the Soviet period, therefore, has great importance in the study of linguistic features of the language of the period. The appearance of the dictionary associated with the October revolution and the subsequent creation of a national writing, therefore, it clearly displayed all the socio-political changes in the life society. For example, social-political words, describing the October revolution, convincingly traced in the dictionary the history languagе and people.
Keywords: dictionary, sociopolitical vocabulary, the October revolution, writing, history.
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