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City demonology in the book by I. Glebova “Laments of Northern Territories”

N.V. Barkovskaya
80,00 ₽


Barkovskaya Nina V.,

Dr.Sci. in Philology, Professor

Department of literature and methods of its teaching, Institute of philology, cultural studies and intercultural communication

Ural State Pedagogical University, Ekaterinburg



The poetics of the new book by Irina Glebova fits into the trend of “post-utopian primitivism” (I. Plekhanova). Urban vernacular (tale) with the grotesque, fantasy, and irony combined. Two genre models are relevant for the book: a fairy tale and urban romance. The overall tone of “lamentations” — elegiac, with a slight admixture of irony and comedy integrates them. Glebova draws escheated “pandemonium” world of city outskirts, faceless buildings, sometimes — communal apartments. Only the salvatory power of the love can create a happy little world on the scale of individual apartments. A feature of the urban world is the image of him as the one and only habitat for all: people, animals, birds, plants, urban art, and yard sculptures. Everything is closely intertwined in this biocenosis. It may be noted presence of peculiar refraction of mythologies traditions of the early XX century. Glebova asserts the unity of different aspects of life and the absolute value of love. The book is interesting as an example of overcoming the opposition of elite literature and popular one; a subtle combination of primitivism strategies with sophisticated narrative technique (prose, focused on poetry and music) allows seeing it as successor in traditions of St. Petersburg modernism of the early twentieth; as well as one of the most remarkable examples of the trend denoted in the middle of the 2010s in the construction of meaning and harmony on the basis of world, poorly adapted for happiness.

Keywords: post-folklore, Irina Glebova, primitivism, urban romance, fairy tale, postmodernism.



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