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Problems connected with learning National languages as viewed by students and their parents

N.L. Smakotina, N.V. Melnikova

UDC 82`27



Smakotina Natalia Leonovna,

Doctor of Sociology), Professor, Head of the Global Social Studies and Youth Studies Department

Lomonosov Moscow State University

e-mail: smakotina@mail.ru

Melnikova Nadezhda Vladimirovna,

Candidate of Рhilology, Associate Professor of the Global Communications Department

Lomonosov Moscow State University

e-mail: melnikova_nadya@mail.ru


The article is devoted to the problems of learning national languages in general education (comprehensive) institutions of the republics of the Russian Federation as viewed by parents and students, according to a survey in the republics of North Ossetia — Alania and Tatarstan. Taking into account the possibility of studying the national language at schools, discussions about the scope of its use have taken place. The search for answers to questions that have arisen led to an understanding of the specifics of learning national languages in the republics of Russia in the maximum number of possible aspects. It was important to understand how the process of teaching the mother togue is carried out. The study is aimed at identifying problems in the study of national languages, civic and ethnocultural education and the teaching of the mother tongue in general educational (comprehensive) institutions. The article examines educational organizations of basic general and secondary general (comprehensive) education and the corresponding educational standards, according to which the learning of national languages is carried out. It was important to identify the problems of learning national languages as viewed by students in basic general and secondary general education institutions and their parents. The authors tried to find out whether there is a way of learning the national language that would be suitable for everyone. It is also important to understand whether there is a difference in the attitude towards learning the national language at school among those who speak this language as their mother tongue and those who do not. The idea mentioned above also became the purpose of the study. The findings let the authors to conclude that parents with a strong sense of ethnic identity were interested in their children speaking their mother tongue, while the children themselves showed little interest in learning it.

Keywords: national language, ethnocultural education, national culture.



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The article was prepared with the support of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (grant No.19-014-00001).