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The image of the future in the socio-philosophical understanding of the writers of the XX century (I. Efremov, R. Anaya): Transformation of interethnic relations in the course of globalization

T.V. Voronchenko, E.V. Fyodorova

UDC 82-31:304

DOI  10.20339/PhS.6-23.132


Voronchenko Tatiana V.,

Doctor of Philology, Professor,

Professor of the Literature Department

Transbaikal State University (Chita city)


Fyodorova Ekaterina V.,

Senior Lecturer of the European Languages

and Linguodidactics Department

Transbaikal State University (Chita city)



The article determines the nature of the reflection of ideas about the future society development and the transformation of interethnic relations in the works of the Russian Soviet writer and Chicano author of the 20th century. The novels of Ivan Efremov “Andromeda Nebula” (1957) and Rudolfo Anaya “Jalamanta” (1996) are involved in the study. The purpose of the article is to identify the scenarios of the future presented in the novels of I. Efremov, R. Anaya, and the features of interethnic relations’ transformation in literary texts. The methodological basis of the research consists of works devoted to the study of the multidimensional representation of future image, including literary, the features of utopian consciousness, the poetics of the fantastic. The article applies a comprehensive approach to models of the expected future presented in literary texts, based on a combination of the method of socio-philosophical analysis, semiotic and comparative and historical research methods. Based on the analysis of the novels, similarities and differences in the representation of the writers’ ideas about the future social structure are established, the multiplicity of models of the future associated with the recreation of a utopian model in the text (the image of an ideal future) is shown. Special attention is paid to identifying the specifics of interethnic relations in the hypothetical reality of the future.

Keywords: image of the future, science fiction, utopia, Ivan Efremov, Rudolfo Anaya, transformation of interethnic relations, socio-philosophical analysis.



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