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Lexical and grammatical features of traditional speech formulas of the Ossetian language

L.B. Morgoeva, A.F. Kudzoeva

UDC 811.351`37

DOI  10.20339/PhS.6-23.019


Morgoeva Larisa B.,

Candidate of Philology, Senior Researcher

V.I. Abayev North Ossetian Institute of Humanities and

Social Studies — Branch of the Vladikavkaz Scientific Center of the

Russian Academy of Sciences


Kudzoeva Anjela F.,

Candidate of Philology,

Associate Professor, Researcher

Institute of History and Archeology of the

Republic of North Ossetia — Alania



The article is devoted to the lexical and grammatical features characteristic of traditional speech formulas actively used in the Ossetian language. The pragmatic orientation of such formulas dictates a special structural and compositional completeness, which is provided by the necessary component composition, lexical and morphological and stylistic means of the language. The activators of communicative tasks are imperative verbs in the constant part of the speech formula and demonstrative pronouns that determine the subject-object relations of the communicants of the speech situation. The semantic part of the formula contains a compactly designed message of the desired information, which is realized through figurative comparisons with the support of cultural realities and conceptual significant dominants. With a variety of bright expressive means of the Ossetian language in speech formulas, their compactness is achieved by using various grammatical forms of words and phrases, the most common of which are complex lexical formations, reduplicants, nominative binomials, paired words of antonymic and synonymous order. It is noteworthy that the stable expressions and phraseological units of the Ossetian language as part of speech formulas tend to merge, forming complex gaps, easily recognizable only through the syntactic fundamental principle. Combinations according to the type of subordinating connection are most often converted into nouns, participial forms and adverbs, and the coordinating connection between words in speech formulas tends to form paired words.

Keywords: lexical semantics, speech formulas, morphology, word formation, Ossetian language.



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