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The implementation of the “memory” concept and the question of its reliability in D. Nakipov’s novel “The Circle of Ash”

U. Ovcherenko

UDC 821.161.1(574)-3

DOI 10.20339/PhS.6s-23.148


Ovcherenko Ulyana,

Candidate of Phililogy,

Teacher of Additional Education of the Russian Language and

Intercultural Communication Department

Institute of the Russian Language

Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia named after Patrice Lumumba



This article is devoted to the analysis of the concept “memory”, which is relevant for the postmodern understanding of the world and the problem of its reliability in D. Nakipov’s novel “Circle of Ashes”. Memory is an important concept for the writer, who is both a trans-linguistic writer and a postmodern writer. The analysis of researchers' opinions concerning the importance of the concept “memory” for the work of bilingual authors, as well as the essential understanding of memory as a phenomenon within the framework of the postmodern understanding of the concept has been carried out. The relationship between the presence and absence of historical knowledge, which is important for reflecting the author’s picture of the world, is revealed, and the question of the importance of immanent history, the creation of macrohistory from microhistory as the only tool that can preserve authenticity, is raised. A detailed analysis of the artistic use of the concept of memory and the reflection of its essence in the novel of a Kazakhstani writer has been made. It is concluded that D. Nakipov values factual historical knowledge, but places immanent history, which includes the emotional experience of the observer-participant, above factual history.

Keywords: Kazakh literature, memory, translingual literature, D. Nakipov, postmodernism.



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