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Friends’ correspondence as the space of philosophizing

O.R. Demidova

UDC 82-6

DOI 10.20339/PhS.4-23.084


Demidova Olga R.,

Doctor of Philosophy, Professor,

Professor of the Philosophy Department

Pushkin Leningrad State University



The article analyses the 1920–1930s correspondence between G. Adamovich and Z. Gippius treated as a case of friendly philosophical correspondence typical of both Russian and European 18th and 19th century epistolary tradition. To understand the above mentioned phenomenon it is vital to regard the conceptual sequence “friendship — trust — loyalty — faith — freedom” as perceived by the corresponding parties applying a complex methodology with the comparative and hermeneutic approaches as the core.

Keywords: Russian abroad, Russian emigrant literature, friends’ correspondence, G. Adamovich, Z. Gippius, epistolary genre, philosophy.



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