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Spelling commission of 1904 on the way to the reform of 1917: 116 years later

T.M. Grigorieva
80,00 ₽ 


Grigorieva Tatyana M.,

Doctor of Philology, Professor of the Russian Language

and Speech Communication Department,

Siberian Federal University



Stated materials connected with the spelling commission of 1904 which laid the resolute foundation in preparation of reform of the Russian spelling of 1917. Consequences of this activity are considered: 1912 the “Resolutions of the Spelling subcommittee” created under hands. academician F.F. Fortunatov; “Resolutions of a meeting at the Academy of Sciences under under the leadership of the academician A.A. Shakhmatov on the issue of simplification of the Russian spelling, accepted 11 May, 1917”, and the main stages of reform connected with their embodiment — the ministerial period and postoctober when plans of reformers were broken and reform accepted repressive character. The reasons of misinformation of society are established, the role of such initiators of reform as academicians F.F. Fortunatov and A.A. Shakhmatova is defined.

Keywords: spelling commission, subcommittee, F.F. Fortunatof, A.A. Shakhmatov, project of reform, reform, destruction of plans of reformers, evolutionary and repressive way of reform.



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