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The mistake of aesthetics and poetics of “patties” in the light of orthological installations of modern age

O.Ju. Avdevnina
80,00 ₽


Avdevnina Olga Ju.,

Doctor of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of Russian Language and Culture of Speech

Saratov State Law Academy



In this article the phenomenon of a mistake and the phenomena related to it are analyzed. We also deal with the sociocultural and esthetic potential, conditionality of ideas of speech correctness and language norms. The author writes that the error is a special category of linguimidadactics, linguistic methods and linguo-poetic, and this concept itself is correlative to the concept of the norm, differently interpreted in the domestic orthology. The implementation of the norm and the attitude to errors can be considered in the aspect of reconstructing the level of the orthological consciousness of a society in this or that historical time. Particular attention is paid to simulating an error in the language game. The author of this article examines the matter of the poetic miniatures, obtaining popularity in the Internet, due to the deliberate breach of spelling, punctuation rules and grammatical standards of the literary language as a specific manifestation of modern language creation work and a reflection upon a regulation of language usage. Analysis of “pies” allowed to identify the norms and rules relevant for the recognition of artistic reflection and language games, and to distinguish errors from those transformations of linguistic forms that are system-linguistic and do not concern mistakes, which, in the author's opinion, will make it possible to clarify the scientific comprehension of error and language norm.


Keywords: mistake, norm, correctness, language game, language creation work, orthological consciousness, Internet poetry.




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