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Anthropology of time in works of art by S.T. Aksakov in the context of N.A. Berdyaev’s philosophy

V.E. Ugryumov


Ugryumov Vladimir E.,

Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor,

Member of Union of Writers of Russia

Siberian State Industrial University, Novokuznetsk



The article uses examples from autobiographical works of S.T. Aksakov to examine how figurative literary images reveal the existence of society and individual in a trinity of time. It is shown how later this particular problem can be seen in the general philosophy and world views of N.A. Berdyaev.

Key words: typology of time, N.A. Berdyaev, S.T. Aksakov, world view, conciliarism, Russian cosmism.



1. Berdyaev, N.A. Tsarstvo Dukha i tsarstvo Kesarya. Moscow: Respublika, 1995.

2. Aksakov, S.T. Sobranie sochineniy: in 4 vols. Vol. 1, 2. Moscow: Hudozhestvennaya literatura, 1955.

3. Frank, S.L. Russkoy mirovozzreniye. Saint-Petersburg: Nauka, 1996.