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Foregrounding of concept in the literary text (Cognitive Stylistic Analysis of D.H. Lawrence's “England, My England”)

Dzhusupov Nursultan Mahanbet uly

Dzhusupov Nursultan Mahanbet uly,

Candidate of Philology, associate professor of English Stylistics Department

Uzbekistan State University of World Languages



The article concentrates on the cognitive stylistic approach to the study of concept's foregrounding in the literary texts. Cognitive stylistic analysis of concept is carried out on the basis of the concept “England” represented in the story “England, My England” by D.H. Lawrence. Cognitive stylistic analysis of the concept aims at identifying and describing a variety of stylistic devices providing the foregrounding of the concept with the emphasis of their cognitive characteristics.

Key words: cognitive stylistics, concept, foregrounding, cognitive stylistic analysis, literary text, stylistic device.




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