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Discursive word то, того and its derivatives in the North-Eastern Russian dialects.

G.V. Fedyuneva

Fedyuneva Galina V.

Doctor of Philology, Principal Researcher

Russian Academy of Sciences

Ural Division

Komi Science Centre

Institute of Language, Literature and History



The article deals with the discourse possibilities of the pronoun то, того and its derivatives in the North-Eastern resettlement sub-dialects of the Komi Republic and Perm Krai. Derivational models of pronouns-based interjections, adjectives and deictic verbs are presented; their role in dialect discourse formation is analyzed. The main function of these derivatives is marking speech difficulties that is expressed by means of temporal substitutionof the words escaping from memory, filling of speech pauses with special interjections of hesitation and approximated nomination of information that is to be restored from the non-verbal context.

Keywords: the North-Eastern Russian sub-dialects, discourse, discursive speech, demonstratives



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