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Constructions with Ellipted Object (with reference to English)

E.S. Mkhitaryan

Mkhitaryan Elena S.,

Candidate of Philology, Professor,

Head of Germanic Languages Chair

Kh. Abovyan Armenian State Pedagogical University

Faculty of Foreign Languages


The paper examines constructions with objectless transitive verbs in English. Transitive verbs allow the deletion of their object due to a number of factors: 1) the narrow semantics of the transitive verb, which makes the ellipted object quite recognizable; 2) transitive verbs may be used in their abstract meaning, when they do not denote the actions themselves, but the subject’s ability, his inclination to perform these actions;3) the context (linguistic and situational); 4) various pragmatic and psychological factors.

Key words: transitive, object, objectless, ellipsis, context, “empty” category. 



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