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“Compendium” of August Shleicher — as the results of development and views on future progress

O.A. Voloshina

Voloshina Oxana A.,

PhD Cand. of Philolodgy.,

Lecturer of the philological department of Lomonosov Moscow State University

and the RSUH Department of Theoretical and Applied Linguistics of Institute of Linguistics


The article is devoted to the main work of famous German linguist August Schleiche — «Compendium of comparative grammar of Indo-European languages». The subject, composition and the theoretical basis of this work can be considered «Compendium» as a result of development of comparative linguistics and as a program for future research within the framework of historical and comparative linguistics.

Keywords: «Compendium» of August Sсhleicher, Indo-European family of languages, reconstruction of Proto-language.



1. Schleicher A. Die Formenlere der kirchenslavischen Sprache. — Bonn, 1852.

2. Schleicher A. Handbuch der Litauischen Sprache. — Prag, 1856.

3. Del'brjuk B. Vvedenie v izuchenie jazyka. Iz istorii i metodologii sravnitel'nogo jazykoznanija. — M., 2010.

4. Schleicher A. Compendium der vergleichenden Grammatik der indogermanischen Sprachen. — B. I. Weimar, 1861., B. II., 1962.

5. Meje A. Vvedenie v sravnitel'noe izuchenie indoevropejskih jazykov. — M.: URSS, 2007.

6. Makaev Je.A. Obshhaja teorija sravnitel'nogo jazykoznanija. — M.: URSS, 2004.