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N.F. Fedorov’s “supramoralizm”: The problem of definition of author’s philosophical term

N.V. Kozlovskya

Kozlovskaya Natalia V.,

PhD Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor,

Chair of the Russian Language

Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia, St. Petersburg

Doctoral Student

Russian Academy of Sciences;

Institute for Linguistic Studies



The article deals with the complex structure of the contextual definition of the term “supramoralizm” created by Russian philosopher N.F. Fedorov (1829—1903) . Definition consists of several parts: introduction (the subtitle of the text), concretizing, including polymorphic generic features of the concept, and commenting-narrative component , which clarifies the specific characters of the term The center contextual definition are twelve so-called “Easter questions” , which exhibit the phenomenon of “terminologichnost’” growth.

Keywords: supramoralizm, author’s philosophical term, “terminologichnost’”, contextual definition, polymorphic trait.



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