Kozlovskaya Natalia V.,
PhD Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor,
Chair of the Russian Language
Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia, St. Petersburg
Doctoral Student
Russian Academy of Sciences;
Institute for Linguistic Studies
E-mail: saga@kodeks.com
The article deals with the complex structure of the contextual definition of the term “supramoralizm” created by Russian philosopher N.F. Fedorov (1829—1903) . Definition consists of several parts: introduction (the subtitle of the text), concretizing, including polymorphic generic features of the concept, and commenting-narrative component , which clarifies the specific characters of the term The center contextual definition are twelve so-called “Easter questions” , which exhibit the phenomenon of “terminologichnost’” growth.
Keywords: supramoralizm, author’s philosophical term, “terminologichnost’”, contextual definition, polymorphic trait.
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