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Existential model of the world in G.I. Gazdanov’s short stories

A.I. Smirnova

Smirnova Alfiya I.,

Doctor of Philology, Professor,

Professor of the Moscow City Pedagogical University, Institute of Humanities, Department of Russian Contemporary Literature and Readers' Practices



The article analyzes G.I. Gazdanov’s short stories “Black Swans”, “Hawaiian Guitar”, and “Princess Mary”, whose protagonists are Russian immigrants. The existential model of the world is conveyed in these works through a system of motives (such as loneliness, death, boredom, “double life”, sleep) and the ways the text expresses the opposition ‘self'’ / ‘other’, ‘internal’ / ‘external’. For the author's characters the escape from reality is the only salvatory possibility of the existence in the world of the absurd.

Keywords: Gazdanov, stories, existential model of the world, character, motive, loneliness, death.



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3. Gazdanov G.I. Night Roads / Gazdanov G.I. Complete works in 3 volumes. — V. 1. — Moscow: Soglasiye, 1996. — P. 461—656.

4. Gazdanov G.I. Stories. On French Soil / Gazdanov G.I. Complete works in 3 volumes. — V. 3. — Moscow: Soglasiye, 1996. — 848 p.

5. Zamanskaya V.V. Existential Tradition in Russian Literature of the Twentieth Century. Dialogues on the Borders of the Century: Textbook. — Moscow: Flinta: Nauka, 2002. — 304 p.