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From the poetics of fury to the poetics of re-existence: late 20th century Caribbean Anglophone fiction


Tlostanova Madina V.,

Ph.D., Full Professor,

Department of Philosophy

School of Public Policy

Russian presidential academy of

national economy and public administration



The article traces the evolution of West-Indian Anglophone fiction from its mid 20th century black-and-white negativistic models of resistance to more flexible, ironic and self-reflexive forms of the late 20th century, which can be generally defined through the concept of re-existence. The author dwells at the analysis of the main aesthetic, genre, epistemic and poetic shifts taking place within the frame of the Caribbean culture and literature in the last decades. She points out both the elements of continuity with the preceding authors, and the new features connected with the Caribbean verbal art becoming a part of the global Anglophone culture. Specific attention is paid to the interpretation of a number of the most representative and complex works of contemporary Caribbean fiction (E. Danticat’s C. Phillips’s and R. Antoni’s novels), going into dialogue both with postmodernist tendencies, postcolonial tradition and with the Caribbean writers of the previous generation.

Keywords: Caribbean literature, re-existence, postcolonial discourse, linguistic strategies, canonical counter-discourse, spatial history, creolization.



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2. Harris, W. Tradition, the Writer and Society. L. & Port of Spain: New Beacon 1967.

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5. Brathwaite, E.K. History of the Voice: The Development of Nation Language in Anglophone Caribbean Poetry. L. & Port of Spain: New Beacon, 1984.

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10. Harris W. The Womb of Space: The Cross-Cultural Imagination. Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood, 1983.

11. Harris, W. “The Limbo Gateway”. The Post-Colonial Studies Reader. Eds. Bill Ashcroft, G. Griffith and H. Tiffin. L. & N.Y.: Routledge, 1995. P. 378—382.

12. Antoni, R. Divina Trace. — N.Y.: Overlook Press, 1991.

13. Brathwaite, E.K. “Jazz and the West-Indian Novel” / The Post-Colonial Studies Reader. Eds. B. Ashcroft, G. Griffith and H. Tiffin. L. & N.Y.: Routledge, 1995.

14. Phillips, C. A New World Order: Selected Essays. Secker ad Warburg, 2001.