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Science to please, or Repetilov’s games (from comments to «Woe from wit» by A.S. Griboedov)

A.A. Kunarev

Kunarev Andrey A.

PhD Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor

Department of a technique of teaching of Russian Language and the Literature of Russian

Philological faculty

Moscow State Regional University



This article is an attempt to trace the literary and historical origins of some of the characteristic details of Repetilov, in particular, guidelines on the old card game «Reversi».

Keywords: Reversi, Ovid, Griboedov’s Moscow, the Table of Ranks, the motive, the detail.



1. Griboedov A.S. Sochinenija. — M.; L.: Goslitizdat, 1959.

2. Publij Ovidij Nazon. Sobranie sochinenij. Tom 1 /Per. i komment. M.L. Gasparova. — SPb.: Biograficheskij institut «Studia Biografika», 1994.