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A review of the all-Russia Scientific Conference with International Participants “Sjuzhetologija / Sjuzhetografija”

N.А. Nepomniaschih, E.N. Proskurina

Nepomniaschih Nataly А.,

PhD, Candidat of Philology,

Leading scientist of the Philology Research

Institute of Philology of the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Science, Novosibirsk



Proskurina Elena N.,

Doctor of Philology,

Leading researcher of the Literary Studies Section

Institute of Philology of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk

In a review of the scientific conference with international participation “Sjuzhetologija / Sjuzhetografija” summaries of all reports are given. Topics of the conference asked the following trends: actual problems of the theory of the plot; theory of plot and narratology; poetics of plot and motif analysis of the epic, lyric and drama works; story plots in fiction; borrowed plots in Russian literature; story and non-fiction; and fixing the problem of describing the literary scene.

Keywords: literary scene, theory of plot, Russian literature.