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“Image of the author as a category of a literary text and the basis of the artwork analysis”

E.V. Sergeeva, O.V. Aksenko

Sergeeva Elena V.,

Doctor of Philology, Professor,

Chair of Russian Language of Faculty of Philology

Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia, Saint Petersburg (Sankt Peterburg)


Aksenko Olga V.,

Postgraduate of Chair of Russian Language of Faculty of Philology

Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia


The article deals with the author's image as the main category of literary text. Lingvoesthetic analysis  bases on modern methods of linguistic research. Linguo-stylistic analysis of complicated aesthetic senses, the means of the realization in the literary text the worldview of the author are  presented in the article. The authors in the article focuse on text-forming categories the author's image and expressivity, which define the linguistic consisted patterns  in this  literary text.

Keywords: linguistic analysis of a literary text, transformation of the meaning, the author's image, expressivity.




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