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Crossed out text as realized text. The semantics of ideograms (from the experience of A. Blok’s lyric poetry academic publishing)

N.V. Loshchinskaya

Loshchinskaya Nina V.,

PhD Candidate of Philology,

Senior research associate of Department of the Latest literature,

Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Pushkinsky Dom),

member of the A.А. Block's Complete Works academic publishing project


The article focuses on a specific function of сrossed out text in A. Blok’s manuscripts in the connection with the semantics of ideograms in his collected poems’ autographs. Also the problem of A. Blok’s crossed out poem versions as realized utterances is raised.

Keywords: textual criticism, systematic manuscript sources, A. Blok’s lyric poetry, crossing, self-communication, ideography, narration.


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