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Literary investigation (The comments to the V Chapter of “Eugene Onegin”)

A.A. Kunarev

Kunarev Andrey A.,

PhD Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor

Department of a technique of teaching of Russian Language and the Literature of Russian

Philological faculty

Moscow State Regional University


In the article reveals the «Arzamas» subtext of one of the most famous Pushkin’s stanza. The source of Pushkin verses about a boy with a sledge was «Nikolasha’s praise to winter pleasures" (1783) by A.S. Shishkov, who became (as well as his «children» poem) one of the main objects of Arzamas’ mocks. «Zjuchka» is a unique word in the dictionary of the poet, but it is not a quote from a child (U. Lotman), neither of folk, country (S. Casharnova, M. Stroganoff) discourse, because the token is included in the dictionary of the Russian Academy without stylistic litter. Zjuchok is Zhukovsky’s nickname, known to a limited circle of closest friends. Thus, in shishkovsky’s sled was put permanent Secretary of Arzamas. This is an example of true «arzamaski nonsense».

Keywords: metaphor, subtext, transformation, draft, «Arzamas».


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