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Semantic poetics of prose. “SANKA” by Z. Prilepin

A.V. Zhuchkova

Zhuchkova Anna V.,

Ph. D. in Philology (Candidate of Philological Sciences),

Assistant-professor, department of Russian and Foreign Literature

Peoples` Friendship University of Russia, Moscow



This article presents an overview of the compositional, semantic, and linguistic characteristics of the novel “Sankya”. Its genre combines the socio-political novel, the novel of education and a loss of illusions, and the existential novel. Prilepin's novelry assembles audio, visual, kinesthetic impressions, so that the extra existential tension is created in the novel. The novel testifies to the authentic Russian life of the beginning of the XXI century, but at the same time, this story becomes a philosophical parable about the loss of faith, hope and love. And although the hero becomes a pawn in the hands of political forces, but the author continues to love his country and believe in its better future.

Keywords: Prilepin, Sankya, new realism, existentialism, tenderness, emptiness, revolution, contemporary literature, love of country




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