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Structure oneiric motif and its function in the novel V.Y. Bryusov “The Fiery Angel”

M.N. Pankratova

Pankratova Mаriа N.,

Postgraduate student of Department of Literary theory,

Philological Faculty

Lomonosov Moscow State University



In the article describes the structure of oneiric motive consisting of a predicate (“being in a transitional state of consciousness / other reality”); topos having signs “of enclosed”, “formlessness”, “silence”, “noise”, “cold” / “ heat, lack of air”; Chronos ( preferably overnight); actants whose attributes are “Statutory” / “unnatural flexibility”, “necrosis” / “recovery”, “intoxication”, “fear”. Oneyrosfery function analyzes the causes of its appearance in the novel.

Keywords: oneiric motif, The Fiery Angel, Bryusov, study of literature.



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3.      Nagornaya, N.A. Oneirosphere in Russian Prose of the 20th Century: Modernism,Postmodernism. — M.: Vyscshaia shkola, 2006.

4.      Sergeev, O.V. The poetics of dreams in Russian symbolist prose . Bryusov and Fyodor Sologub [Doct. Diss. (Philol.)]. — M., 2002.

5.      Rusanova, O.N. The motive in terms of historical poetics. Bulletin of State Pedagogical University of Tomsk. Ser. Humanities (Philology). Release 8 (59). P. 120–126.

6.      Bryusov, V.Y. The Earth's axis. — M., 1907.