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Structure oneiric motif and its function in the novel V.Y. Bryusov “The Fiery Angel”

M.N. Pankratova
80,00 ₽

Pankratova Mаriа N.,

Postgraduate student of Department of Literary theory,

Philological Faculty

Lomonosov Moscow State University



In the article describes the structure of oneiric motive consisting of a predicate (“being in a transitional state of consciousness / other reality”); topos having signs “of enclosed”, “formlessness”, “silence”, “noise”, “cold” / “ heat, lack of air”; Chronos ( preferably overnight); actants whose attributes are “Statutory” / “unnatural flexibility”, “necrosis” / “recovery”, “intoxication”, “fear”. Oneyrosfery function analyzes the causes of its appearance in the novel.

Keywords: oneiric motif, The Fiery Angel, Bryusov, study of literature.



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3.      Nagornaya, N.A. Oneirosphere in Russian Prose of the 20th Century: Modernism,Postmodernism. — M.: Vyscshaia shkola, 2006.

4.      Sergeev, O.V. The poetics of dreams in Russian symbolist prose . Bryusov and Fyodor Sologub [Doct. Diss. (Philol.)]. — M., 2002.

5.      Rusanova, O.N. The motive in terms of historical poetics. Bulletin of State Pedagogical University of Tomsk. Ser. Humanities (Philology). Release 8 (59). P. 120–126.

6.      Bryusov, V.Y. The Earth's axis. — M., 1907.