Khazanova Margarita I.,
Candidate of Philology,
Dean of the History and Philology Department
Institute of History and Philology
Russian State University for the Humanities
Polyakov Dmitry K.,
Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor of the Slavic and
Central European Studies Department
Institute of History and Philology
Russian State University for the Humanities
The article attempts to conduct a comprehensive analysis of the linguistic means of creating an image in the episode of the novel “A Clockwork Orange” dedicated to the perception of music by the main character. The article deals with the problem of the cinematic effect, which allows using verbal means to create visual images for a more complete immersion of the reader into the perception of the protagonist. Attention is drawn to the changes in the subjective perspective in the episode — from attention to the narrator to his retreat into the background and then back to his return. These changes are formed by the contrast of particular and general perception vocabulary, and it is on the latter type that the description of the music is grounded, which leaves room for the reader to experience the events of the text themselves, since the general perception vocabulary does not specify the channel of perception. A comparative analysis of the translations of the selected episode into Russian, Ukrainian, Czech, Slovak, Serbian and Croatian is carried out. Particular attention is paid to the synesthetic perception of the music by the protagonist and the metaphorical nature of the visual images, varying degrees of their paradoxicality and brightness in the interpretation of different translators. A comparison of the organization of the episode in the novel “A Clockwork Orange” and its translations leads to the conclusion that the most important structural dominants of this episode are preserved by all translators to varying degrees.
Keywords: “A Clockwork Orange”, translation, cinematic effect, music, synesthesia
The study was supported by a grant from the Russian Science Foundation (RNF, project No. 23-18-00260,
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