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Russian culture and West-Eastern discourse

B.R. Rakhmanov, Yu.M. Kalinina
UDC 82+32

Rakhmanov Bakhtiyor R.,

Doctor of Philology,

Professor of the World Literature Department

Russian-Tajik (Slavic) University


Kalinina Julia M.,

Candidate of Philology,

Head of the Russian Language Department

Institute of the Russian Language

Patrice Lumumba Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia



The problem of West and East has different interpretations of the place of Russian culture and literature in the problem of relations between civilizations. In the Russian oriental concept there are two lines: Western and properly Russian. The geographical position of Russia contributes to the cultural and political development and processing of the achievements of foreign civilizations on its soil. The article examines the works of European (I.V. Goethe, B. d’Herbelot, A. Jourdain) and Russian orientalists (I.O. Senkovsky, N.V. Gogol, D.I. Oznobishin, A.A. Bestuzhev-Marlinsky). The interest to this topic are the views of V.A. Sollogub, expressed in the story “Tarantas”. The writer examined the influence of the East and West on Russian society and highlighted the moral, commercial and political aspects. The writer showed the positive and negative aspects characteristic of the West and the East. The reflections of Russian orientalists lead to a certain conclusion. The West defines itself in relation to the East. Russia should define itself both in relation to the West and in relation to the East. Hence, Russia is neither the West nor the East, it is Eurasia. Russia has features of both Europe (the West) and Asia (the East), which are closely intertwined and cannot be separated. This is not only an advantage, but also a periodically heavy burden, a source of problems and contradictions.

Keywords: Western-Eastern discourse, Russian literature of the Romantic era, Western-Eastern literary relations


The research was carried out within the framework of the RUDN Grant Support System for Scientific Projects (Project No. 202802-2-000). № 202802-2-000)



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