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Linguoculturological characteristics of Russian and Karakalpak non-ritual lyric folklore

A.J. Allamuratova, G.J. Allamuratova
UDC (811.512.12+811.161.1)`22:89

Allamuratova Aisanem Zh.,

Candidate of Philology,

Associate Professor of the Languages Department

Profi University (Private Educational University)

(Tashkent, Uzbekistan)


Allamuratova Gulsanem Zh.,

Candidate of Philology,

Associate Professor of the Languages and Literature Department

Mamun University of World Languages (Khiva, Uzbekistan)



The article is devoted to a comparative linguocultural study of Russian and Karakalpak non-ritual lyrical folklore, which is an important part of the cultural heritage of any people and reflects their worldview, spiritual values and emotional experiences. The study is based on folklore texts, which are a repository of cultural information of the Russian and Karakalpak ethnic groups. The authors examine the linguistic units of lyrical folklore through the prism of linguocultural studies, identify similarities and differences in the themes and images of songs of the Russian and Karakalpak peoples. To examine the linguistic elements, we used dominant analysis, which consists in identifying the most frequent lexemes in the texts of Russian and Karakalpak lyrical songs, as well as the method of linguocultural analysis of the folklore text, which involves analyzing units of artistic text from the point of view of their national and cultural semantics. The differences between Russian and Karakalpak folklore are associated with the peculiarities of natural, cultural and historical conditions, which are reflected in the images and symbols of the songs of these peoples. The article emphasizes that lyrical expression can be used to convey personal and social emotions from the point of view of unique cultural contexts.

Keywords: folklore, non-ritual lyrics, lyrical song, images, specificity, semantics, dominant analysis



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