Tagaev Mamed Dz.,
Doctor of Philology, Professor,
Director of the Institute of Russian Language
Kyrgyz-Russian Slavic University named after B.N. Yeltsin (Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan)
e-mail: mamed_tagaev@list.ru
The relevance of this topic is caused by a different approach to the problem of linguistic nomination, in which the object of linguistic research becomes speech events and actions that occur in the conditions of real communication, when language is used not as an abstract systemic device, but as a social and psychological phenomenon. The shift of attention from linguistic units of internal linguistics to speech acts and discourse, the active development of cognitive and linguocultural trends in modern linguistics open new angles in solving this problem, actualizing the attention to the fact that the processes of nomination are not just the naming of a fact of reality, but the result of a certain communicative act, the basis of which are typified speech events and actions that regularly occur in the conditions of national-cultural surroundings. Consideration of the problem in this way immediately includes the human factor in the nominative process, involving in the activity aspect his intensions, associations, value perception of the world, culturally marked meanings, etc., which in general creates an event-situational angle of consideration of linguistic nomination issues. The aim of the study is to prove that the content of a nominated unit is formed not by naming a single object, phenomenon or feature, but by referring to the whole associative complex of nationally conditioned conceptual, linguocultural and pragmatic meanings that are formed around a given word in the context of a typified event. The methodological basis of this work is the study of the peculiarities of linguistic nomination in different languages, taking into account the cognitive, linguocultural and discursive characteristics of linguistic units of different languages. The methods of semantic, contextual, interpretive, associative analysis and propositional-frame modeling were applied. The research problem is to find out from where and how additional culturally marked, pragmatic and axiological meanings appear in the created word, besides its conceptual meaning, which play a crucial role in the organization of discourse. The paper attempts to prove that the processes of nomination and semiosis of linguistic signs are the result of coarticulation and linguocultural coding of the content of nationally conditioned typified events reflected in lexical and phraseological structures in accordance with the typological features of languages.
Keywords: nomination, naming, typified situation, speech act, communication, associative complex, event, quasi-symbol, word formation, linguo-event approach
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