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A.I. Gotovtseva and P.A. Vyazemsky: The history of creative relationships

N.G. Koptelova
UDC 821.161.1-94

Koptelova Natalya G.,

Doctor of Philology,

Professor of the Domestic Рhilology Department

Kostroma State University



The article examines the history of the creative relationship between A.I. Gotovtseva and P.A. Vyazemsky. It is shown that Vyazemsky played a significant role in the poetic fate of Gotovtseva. It is noted that he contributed to the publication of poems by the Kostroma poetess in the magazines “Moscow Telegraph” and “Galatea”. It is proved that it was thanks to the efforts of Vyazemsky in the almanac “Northern Flowers for 1829” that an original creative project was implemented, aimed at discovering a new poetic individuality to the literary world — Anna Gotovtseva. The identity of the addressee of Gotovtseva’s poem “To E.N. Kashkarova (In her album)” has been hypothetically deciphered: it has been suggested that this is Vyazemsky’s Penza acquaintance. For the first time, the lyrical dialogue between the poets is traced, including Vyazemsky’s “Stanzas” and Gotovtseva’s messages dedicated to him (“To the pen presented to me by Prince Vyazemsky”, “To P.A. Vyazemsky (Upon receiving the portrait)”). The letters of Vyazemsky and Gotovtseva addressed to each other and revealing the features of the development of Russian literature in the first half of the 19th century are analyzed. In Gotovtseva’s poems, as well as in her letter to Vyazemsky, reminiscences from his works such as “Station” and “To My Pen”are revealed.

Keywords: A.I. Gotovtseva, P.A. Vyazemsky, creative relationships, poetic messages, letters, dialogue, roll call, influence, reminiscences


The study was supported by a grant from the Russian Science Foundation (RNF, project No. 24-28-00058,


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