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Venice in Shakespeare’s plays: On the problem of authorship of Shakespeare’s works

A.A. Sapelkin
UDC 821.111-1

Sapelkin Andrey A.,

Candidate of History,

Associate Professor of the General Humanitarian Disciplines Department

Far Eastern State Institute of Arts


The article deals with the accuracy of Venetian actualities represented in two plays by Shakespeare — The Tragedy of Othello, the Moor of Venice and The Merchant of Venice. The toponym Sagittary used by Shakespeare in the Act I of his tragedy Othello, of which the action takes place in Venice, is examined in it. For a long time in the past, the toponym caused controversy and was considered inaccurate. It has been revealed in the article, what exact location was denoted by the word. The geographical realities and every day actualities that appear in The Merchant of Venice are much numerous and require closer consideration. Their authenticity and correspondence to the time, in which the dramatist lived, have been determined. The results of the study have become an argument in favour of Shakespeare authorship, which has been questioned for centuries. The study proves that the real Shakespeare may well have reproduced the venetian actualities without visiting the city personally.

Keywords: Shakespeare, Venice, Othello, The Merchant of Venice, realities, authenticity of authorship



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