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Self-presentation of a linguistic personality in the mirror of inscriptions on clothes

T.A. Sukhomlina
UDC 81`27

Sukhomlina Tatyana A.,

Doctor of Philology, Associate Professor,

Professor of the Foreign Languages Department

Samara State University of Social Sciences and Education



The study was carried out in the paradigm of sociolinguistics. The author considered various English inscriptions on clothing attributes as a way of self-presentation of a linguistic personality and an opportunity to give significant information about a person, to tell about the level of his/her proficiency in a foreign language, about his interests and mind. The study of language in a sociolinguistic context allowed to conclude about the importance of formation and improvement of extralinguistic competence in young people. The author comes to the conclusion that extralinguistic competence is an important and urgent task for successful socialization and communication of any person in society.

Keywords: self-presentation, linguistic personality, nonverbal communication, extralinguistic competence, culture, worldview, inscriptions on clothes, society



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