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Functional specific of titles components in text-miniature: Linguistic aspect (based on cycle “Moments” by Yu. Bondarev)

M.A. Bragina, V.N. Levina, I.V. Sheglova
UDC 811.161.1`4

Bragina Marina A.,

Сandidate of Philology,

Head of the Russian Language Department No. 1

Institute of the Russian Language

Patrice Lumumba Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia


AuthorID: 279889

Levina Vera N.,

Doctor of Philology, Associate Professor,

Professor of the Russian Language Department No. 1

Institute of the Russian Language

Patrice Lumumba Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia


AuthorID: 497389

Sheglova Inna V.,

Doctor of Philology, Associate Professor of the Linguodidactics of Russian as a Foreign Language and Bilingualism Department

Moscow State Pedagogical University


AuthorID: 566353


At present, the problem of studying titles in various types of texts has not lost its relevance; new prospects for their study are opening up before each generation of researchers. We research title’s components as main structural elements of text in the article. They get special functional and mind creature only in texts-miniatures or mini-texts. As empirical example we choose cycle named ‘Moments’ by Yu. Bondarev for our research. This choice is eventually focused because this book is a number of philosophical and lyrical thoughts of an author, he describes ‘oriental’ topics. During functional and semantic analysis of mini-texts we found out that title components have different lexical and grammar expressions from one word to the whole sentence itself. Title as an independent information tool has its own semantics which has its development in a specific context. Also titles can be a term which has its conceptual plan which is express only in text. Within this titles components express author’s picture of the world and has its main nominative function. It us also translate relation to a man, life’s positions, nature. Such kind of research can bring us to new perspectives of the following development of an author’s lexicography and also theory of dynamic description of text.

Keywords: functional and semantic aspect, title components, mini-texts, Yu. Bondarev



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