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Dictionary of cultural literacy of Russian speakers as a linguocultural project

V.I. Karasik, I.A. Leshutina
UDC 81`27

Karasik Vladimir I.,

Doctor of Philology,

Professor of the General and Russian Linguistics Department

Pushkin State Institute of the Russian Language


ResearcherID: C-3975-2016

Scopus AuthorID: 57193175093

Leshutina Irina A.,

Doctor of Philology, Associate Professor,

Professor of the Teaching Russian as a Foreign Language Department

Pushkin State Institute of the Russian Language


ResearcherID: ABQ-3874-2022


The paper deals with a dictionary of cultural literacy treated as a type of culturally marked lexicographic reference book. The purpose of the work is to describe the characteristics of such publications. A dictionary of cultural literacy is a concentrated expression of the results of linguistic and cultural studies. Currently, various types of such dictionaries have been developed: linguo-cultural (encyclopedic); educational and normative (expanding or fixing the cultural and informative minimum); focused on native speakers of Russian as a native or non-native language (including foreign); universal thematic and specialized (in particular, folklore and phraseological); traditional and interactive multimedia. The Dictionary of Cultural Literacy, compiled by E. Hirsch and his co-authors, is focused on the standard representative of American linguistic culture, while similar reference books published in our country include various information expanding the erudition of the average speaker of Russian as a native language or is intended for students studying Russian language as a foreign language. Similar specialized reference books published in our country cover Russian folklore, phraseology and paremiology and certainly deserve attention. In Russian linguo-culturology, the unit of such dictionaries is a precedent phenomenon in its verbal or non-verbal expression.

Keywords: dictionary of cultural literacy, lexicography, linguo-culturology, linguistic and regional studies, cultural information minimum



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